Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Uof C Rocks Pt. 1

So I hear myself say a lot: I HATE THIS SCHOOL. Which is really untrue, because secretly I love it. But still, with as much work as I've got tonight, and as much snow as is currently on the ground, you'd understand.

So, here is a series of explanations as to why I love this school. Maybe it's just for self-justification, or maybe not. Who cares?

My French professor had a party for us tonight. Nothing fancy, I mean he held it in a classroom of Cobb, but still. He told us in class this morning that he would bring us a movie to watch, and he'd supply food and drinks. So he shows up tonight with this HUGE shopping bag and says rather impishly, "du vin!" And then he proceeds to pull about a half dozen bottles of wine out of the bag. That's it. Just wine. He then realizes that we need cups to drink the wine, he left the film in his office, and the food hasn't arrived. So he rushes to get cups so we can all have our wine while he sorts the rest out. He did sort it all out, and the film turned out to equate roughly to an American porno, about Voltaire and his mistress.

So Reason #1 why I love this school? Shit like this is NORMAL!

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