Sunday, February 24, 2008

Field Museum

I went to the Field Museum for Biology, and I sort of forgot how much I love it. It's one of those places that is almost better to go to alone (which I did) because you can seriously wander around for hours. I had to go see the Evolving Planet exhibit, which is this really cool exhibit about the evolution of life. It starts with like prokaryotes, passes through dinosaurs and everything, and ends with humans. The have this great gallery that is old dinosaur bones, with some seriously amazing fossils. They also have a lot of other great bones, and some cool displays as well. I also wandered through the Ancient Egypt exhibit, looked at some mummies, you know. At one point I found myself in the Plants of the World exhibit, examining the differences between South American and African coffee beans. It was actually kind of fun. A lot of fun.

I feel like this museum thing should happen more often. It's a constructive thing to do on a Saturday afternoon, when I would probably be sleeping anyways. Maybe I'll try to go once a month or something. I'd like to see the Museum of Science and Industry again, and the Shedd Aquarium too.

Oh, and then after the Field Museum today I went to Target and bought all this great food. I'm seriously stockpiled until at least Spring Quarter. Good thing, Bartlett sucks.

Other than that I've just been chilling. I'm kind of in a weird slump right now. I think I've got a lot of great stuff to look forward to in the coming months, but it all seem so far away, and that's bringing me down a bit. I mean I've got New York in May, camp this summer, and then (hopefully) Paris in the fall. So the here and now doesn't seem that exciting, and its got me in a funk or something. Who'd have thought that?

I've got ChoMUN in like a week and a half. That's what I've got to keep telling myself. And then Spring Break is right around the corner. Then new classes, and before I know it it's May and I'm off to New York. Cool.

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