Monday, February 18, 2008

Show and Tell Time!

So I've been talking about ridiculous snow, and pictures of it... and now I'm going to share!

This first picture is my house. Check out the ridiculous snow banks that line our driveway.

This is looking up the side of the hill we live on. This was taken before the extra foot we got on Saturday, and thus the hill is relatively clear. Saturday it was covered with two inches of ice, and no cars could get up it. Look how deep our mailbox is.

This is superfunny. It our neighbors mailbox. They continually have to dig it out so they can get mail. The snow mound is about six feet high.

To put this snow mound in perspective... its bigger than I am. And I'm 5'7''.

Looking down the hill. Our mailbox is barely exposed.

Can you see the CAR that is hidden behind that snow mound. Yeah, the mound is bigger than a fucking car.

Dicey Maidson roadways on Monday morning. Super slippery, our bus almost hit a car at one point.
Ahhh... Madison, WI. The huge expanse of white in the foreground is actually Lake Monona. Its completely iced over, and then covered in several feet of snow.

Cute huh? We had quite the weekend. Also, apparently the snow isn't going to melt until like June. Goody!

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