Monday, February 11, 2008

Travel/Abroad Blogging

While I'm posting-

I've been reading a lot of people's travel or abroad blogs lately which a) makes me jealous that I am not currently abroad right now and b) makes me really excited at the prospects of going abroad. I thought I'd post the links to these travel/abroad blogs here so that I could immortalize them for all eternity in my personal blog:

End of The Line: It's Katie Solberg's super sweet blog for her adventure in Morocco!

Fun In Frieburg, Euphoria in Europe: Matt's travels and studies in Germany!

Catherine In Toledo: Catherine's stories from Spain!

Katie in BA: Katie Gabor's semester abroad in Buenos Aries, Argentina!

The Land Down Under: Tyler's tales of the land down under!

Chinasaurus Rex: Meredyth's currently pre-abroad blog, documenting everything between now and actually going abroad (wherever that may be). I consider her blog my blog's BFF because we made them together on the same cold night in her room instead of studying. They are kind of like twins but from different mommies, or something... woah.

So yeah, I don't know why I just posted all of those except maybe to show off the fact that I have friends in a bunch of different exotic places. But maybe by posting this it will increase the viewership of my friends blogs too?

1 comment:

ms said...