Friday, February 22, 2008

Drug-Sniffing Cats, Poodles, etc...

So I had this really vivid dream a few nights ago, and for some reason I think it is absolutely hilarious. In the dream I was hanging out in the Max P hallway with all of my friends from the House. We were just talking, and all of a sudden the lights go out. Like, pitch-black out. And then this really bright spotlight comes on from the other end of the hallway, illuminating us. We all look and we see a bunch of cops with dogs. They start coming down the hallway towards us. The first dog in the line is like a normal drug-sniffing dog, but after that follows a wide range of dogs. There is a poodle with the worst haircut ever, a small maybe beagle or something, one of those dogs that is so small you can hold it in your hand, an ugly furry thing that is probably meaner than it looks, and at the very end of the line is an orange and white stripped cat. All of these animals are being lead down the Max P hallway dog show style, with their tails in the air. But they are all obviously sniffing for drugs too. They pass us, and then stop at the very last door at the end of the hallway. Then the police knock...

That's when I woke up.

But seriously, what the hell? I laughed my ass off. And now whenever I go to that part of the hallway I picture a cat sniffing for drugs. I don't think I can ever take the Max P hallways seriously again. Well I never did anyways, but still.

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