Thursday, February 28, 2008

I Feel The Need To Blog

Wow. My life has been really uneventful lately. Seriously, my blog sucks. I need something cool to write about or something. (*crosses fingers for a good paris decision*)

Tonight I feel like I need to blog, but I don't have anything that great to write about, so this is a definite random edition. My apologies.

First off. I got my first flask today. I know I know. I don't drink at all, so I have absolutely no legitimate use for it (ok I could put like water or kool-aid in it... but seriously). It was gift though, so I have to accept it. I got it for chairing at MUNUC, and it has this cute inscription of MUNUC XX on it. I'll probably just put it on display by my MUNUC gavel and then it will end up in a box. And then when I'm thirty I'll come across it and laugh my ass off.

My biology class is fucking ridiculous. I only actually go maybe once a week (something I'm trying to fix, sort of) and when I do I usually want to leave early because it makes me feel so stupid or something. Or like I'm in High School... that's it. So today we had a discussion, and after the discussion we had to fill out a worksheet (yeah a worksheet). One of the questions on the worksheet was: What is the perfect human being? I KNOW. A kid in the group next to mine was definitely talking about wizards. But one of my partners had a better answer... WOLVERINE. Seriously. That guy is THE PERFECT human. Well, he's not really human, but thats why he's perfect. My group essentially put that as our answer, and I'm looking forward to seeing how are professor grades it.

Also, my reality TV sort of sucks right now. Wow, I'm not even going to elaborate on that. Wow.

Ok, I think I need to stop writing before my blog gets shut down for sucking. I've got a meeting in Study Abroad tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have something great to blog about tomorrow.



When I tried to post this blog the website wouldn't let me for the first three tries. AHAHAHA. They must have known that it was going to suck ass. So funny.

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