Thursday, February 7, 2008

Survivor, Applications, Home-MDing, Uncle's, etc...

So I really wanted to blog today, but I couldn't think of anything good to blog about. So then I was taking a shower and trying to think of something to blog about, and I came up with too many ideas. So this blog will hereby be known as this week's "random edition." I thought that was kinda cute.

So first thing. I am UNBELIEVABLY excited for Survivor to start again tomorrow. I kind of love that show. Like, a lot. And although I'm trying to be a cool roommate and let Meredyth use my TV for Lost, I will secretly be wanting to fight her and turn it to CBS. I've just got to keep telling myself that I can't get a very good CBS signal in my room and that it would be better to watch it online at 11 anyways. But seriously, Jonny Fairplay is back. And Yau-Man. And James. OH MY GOD.

Ok, next thing. I just got an e-mail from UNAUSA New York saying they will let us know in two weeks if we got picked. Ugh. Why did they have to do that? Why couldn't they just not say anything? Now I'm going to be willing away the next two weeks until the day when I find off if I got picked for New York. So annoying. Same thing happened with Study Abroad, although there's was a bit more legit. Apparently they added a winter quarter French Civ (in english, boo) program and fucked up the applications. But in the e-mail it put a time frame on the decisions... BY SPRING BREAK. That is like 5+ weeks away. Ack.

Also, I did a bit of home MDing on wikipedia because I have this terrible sore throat. I keep telling myself that it's from telling kids at the MUNUC dance not to go in the exit. Ok, screaming that at them. But I'm pretty sure I'm getting that token hell cough I get every year or two. The last time I legitimately had one was senior year and that turned into pneumonia, so I'm hoping that this isn't that bad. At least I'm not going to Montreal like this? I guess I'll have to hit up the doctor in the next day or two to fix things. But seriously, this sucks ASS.

What else? Well, I'm going to Uncle Chip's this weekend to watch some Badger Basketball... that should be a good time. I like going there because they feed me real food, and the bed in the guest room is amazing.

Oh, and I've got a few pictures to share with you:

This is what my room looked like when I got back from MUNUC. I'm pretty sure this was two days later. Note the fact that I had yet to unpack.

LOOK LOOK LOOK!!! I voted!! And guess what I voted for?? CHANGE!!!

CHECK OUT MY NEW UCVC JERSEY!!! ISN'T IT COOL??? I heart the flaming phoenix (which is our school's mascot... yeah, that's right... a phoenix).

Ok, I need to sleep before the cancer cough turns into consumption or something.

1 comment:

ms said...

my favorite picture's the one of your chest.