Tuesday, January 15, 2008


So I did a phone interview with the Director of the day camp I worked at last summer for a bit of a promotion. Last summer I worked as a counselor. This basically meant I followed the naughty group around and yelled at the bad kids/broke up fights/consoled crying children/fixed injuries, etc. I also had to mop which sucked ass, and is something I never want to do again. EVER.

The job I interviewed for is the Specialist position. This means that I get a group of kids assigned to me. I might get the bad kids, but I might also get the good kids. I also get to plan and execute full units. This means I get to pick our field trips, games, art projects, etc. This is better than the counselor position because I'm not going to be assigned to the problem group or the shitty field trip. And I can plan three-hour sprinkler spectaculars, trips to Lakeview park, and activities like "find the needle in the haystack" which could potentially take a full day.

The Director called me half an hour late. That was annoying. I was almost late for Biology, damn.

Fortunately he gave me the promotion on the phone. I'm pretty sure I had it in the bag even before the interview, but that I had to do the interview as a formality.

22 weeks till the first day of camp. Shit. Summer is so far away. Matt has to go to Germany for a semester between now and them. Damn.

At least we have a ridiculous summer of the sweetest field trips ever to look forward to?

1 comment:

Matt said...

hell yes. lakeview park or the zoo all day, every day.