Sunday, January 20, 2008

June 22, 2008


I will be racing in my second triathlon on June 22nd!

I've been toying with the idea of racing two triathlons this summer, meaning I would do one towards the front end, and another towards the back end. Well today I decided that this is going to be definite.

I've selected the Badger State Games Triathlon as my first triathlon this summer. (Provided I get registered) I will be racing on June 22nd. The race will be in Verona rather early in the morning. So basically, you all need to mark your calenders and come out and watch!

I guess I will use this blog to keep track of my training a bit. For the next two weeks I'm INSANELY BUSY with Model UN, so my ability to hit the gym is a bit limited. As such I plan on redeveloping a bit of my core strength with in-room pilates. Hopefully I can get a few runs in too, but that is questionable.

Oh, and I'm going to talk my Step-Dad into bringing my bike and trainer down so I can get some real base miles in. THAT WOULD BE AMAZING.

YAY, now I'm really excited for June 22nd!

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