Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

So I had this great long list of New Year's Resolutions that I had composed in my head. But after the events of the last 24 hours or so, I've thrown most of them out. While I stayed up all night last night, in varying bits of anger, distress, sadness, and an odd sense of elation, I revised my resolutions. I suppose I should start, however, with what's happened recently.

At about 4:00 yesterday the attendance line from my brother's High School called to say that Nick had not been at school all day yesterday. My mother immediately freaked out, especially since Nick was a half hour late from coming home for school. And then, about ten minutes later, Nick's good friend Ian called to tell us that Nick was going away for the weekend, to "figure things out." My mom started calling all of my brother's other friends to try to find out where Nick went, and I hacked into his facebook and IM to do the same. We couldn't find him anywhere.

At about 5:30 my Mom gave up, and we drove over to Ian's house to get the full story. We figured that Ian would know, because my brother had told him to call us in the first place. Ian wasn't home, but his Mom was and she told me that Ian had told her that Nick and some "nerdy boys" went to St. Louis for a Counterstrike Tournament. She told me Nick was safe and that he would be back on Sunday night. She said that Ian was supposed to go, but that he couldn't get off work. She said that the "nerdy boys" were good kids and that everything was fine.

My mom and I realized that there was nothing we could do until Nick got home, because we didn't know where in St. Louis he was going, and that's really far anyways. So we went out and ate dinner and went to the movies, for distraction.

When we got home my Stepdad was there, and he was LIVID. He couldn't believe that Nick did this, and blah blah blah. In Brad's defense, he isn't cut out to be a parent. He likes to be alone, and doesn't like that so many people rely on him. So he yelled for a couple of hours about everything. And then he told my Mom that he can't do it anymore. Since then they've talked a lot and figured stuff out. They are going to get an online divorce, for $300. My mom is going to keep the house, and my sister can decide where she wants to be. I shouldn't be affected at all. My brother, his future is in question. Majorly.

So, with my parents splitting up, a few complications arise for my life. The first is that my Mom doesn't have a job, and she's the one I'd stay with. So that means we basically have no money. Another is that my sister is going to be in the middle of all of this, and will need a friend. Third, I may have to pack up and move out of my current house, because it is just to big. So... Here are my new New Year's Resolutions in light of everything:

1. I resolve to survive all of this. I know, melodramatic. But, its going to be really hard for everyone, and lots of crazy shit is going to happen.

2. I resolve to be there for whoever needs me. I'm not going to take sides on this. I love my Mom and my Stepdad, so I'll be there no matter what. Same for my sister, and to some extent my brother (even though I'm pissed as hell at him right now).

3. I resolve to make as much money as possible. If I have to take an extra job on the weekends, I'll do it. I just know that my Mom is going to be stretched for awhile, so I need to be able to help myself.

4. I resolve to not let any of this hurt my Academic Career and future aspirations. I'm going to try harder than I ever have in school, and I'm going to continue to pursue my extracurricular interests as much as possible. AND, I'm not going to let this hurt my desire to go abroad, not by any means.

5. I resolve to go to Europe, no matter what, and enjoy myself there as much as possible. This year has huge potential for me. I'm going to embrace that the best I can and plan the most amazing trip abroad anyone has ever planned. I'm going to live it up, and experience as much as I can.

My former resolutions were a bit more random. Like, I'm going to race another triathlon, and I'm going to do well at the Alderman's Office, and I'm going to lose 5 pounds. I'm going to try to do those things too, no doubt. But they don't necessarily carry the weight of being full on resolutions.

So here's to 2008. It's started out PRETTY SHITTY, but hopefully I can make the bets of what I've got, and really enjoy it. I mean, I turn 20 in just a few days. I'm getting old man! I can't live my life avoiding the issues, and living in some fucked up fantasy world where I think everything is going to be ok. I've got to believe that what's happened has happened for a reason, move on, and enjoy my life!

Happy 2008!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there.

I stumbled upon your blog, and I realized that I'm not alone in my misery. I mean, I feel like I am in deep shit, and then I read about your parents' divorce, the scare about your brother's trip, your mom's job situation, your having to take another job, etc. and I realized how much other people struggle too.

I'm determined to push through thick and thin in 2008, and have everything I want.

Hang in there, I'm rooting for you.