Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Time To Level Up *cutemariomusic*

Ok the initial shock of finding out that I just got into my dream program has subsided. Ok, no it hasn't, but still. I'm not half-crying in the lobby of max, half-running down the hallway screaming.

I know I shouldn't have been surprised that I got into the program, because seriously, how many kids here are really qualified for it? I mean the French program is grueling so to even make it to 203 let alone pass it is a feat. But having more or less finished 208, I'm sailing...

But seriously, when I went to check my e-mail (on the lobby e-mail station, because of my current situation... haha) I was shaking and nervous and hoping to god or whoever that I would have a positive answer. Seriously, this is like a big big deal. This girl who rides in my van for NSP was SCREAMING when her boyfriend told her she had gotten in. SCREAMING. I shed a few tears of elation, bolted up the stairs and then jumped ridiculously in the vestibule.

And then I let the celebrations begin... Spicey Chicken, French Fries and Coke for dinner... ANTM live on the television... I rode the elevator instead of taking the stairs... hell, I'm taking off work tomorrow!

Basically I'm ridiculously excited. This program is one of the reasons why I chose the UofC in the first place. Not joking. I really wanted this, and I've been planning everything around it from the start. And now its really happening. Holy damn holy damn.

Spring Quarter is going to be amazing. I've got an awesome summer job (more or less) to look forward to, and then PARIS!!! Plus, I'm going to NYC in May, and all of my classes are in the afternoons save one on Thursdays. And it will be warm. And it will be amazing. I can't wait for my little informational meetings about Paris. Oh god, this is going to be so great!

Wow, I sort of sound really possessed there... But seriously... WORTH IT.

This blog hasn't gone to shit after all. I mean the whole point was to have a forum where I could talk about abroad, which is funny because I didn't actually know until today. But seriously, IT HASN'T GONE TO SHIT!

Hallelujah Mr. Fortner. Hallelujah.