Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fake Spring

I hate fake spring. For the obvious reasons of course... mainly its not real spring, so its just a massive mind-fuck.

Evidence of spring-like happenings:
-Temperature=50+ degrees
-It is sunny
-I was outside in shorts and was not cold
-I heard birds
-The snow is melting
-I SAW GUYS ON HARLEYS (ultimate sign of spring)

Evidence of actual fake-spring:
-It is probably going to snow tomorrow
-The high for Wednesday is like 20 degrees
-We are in Chicago... spring doesn't really happen here, it just jumps for Winter to Summer
-The birds I heard were probably escaping south

Gah, I hate this fake spring thing that happens every year. I swear if it is 60 and sunny during finals in two weeks, I'm gonna hit a bitch (aka mother nature).

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