Wednesday, May 21, 2008

NYC Day 6 Pictures

Central Park.
I woke up really early to go for a walk in Central Park. It was a beautiful morning, and the park was incredible.

Central Park Castle.
I found this is in the middle of Central Park. I climbed to the top later, it was really cool. I don't know why it was just tucked away in the park, but it was really cool to check out.

French Embassy.
I just randomly came upon this while walking back to my hotel from Central Park. I think it's a bit nicer than the Armenian one, no?

Chinatown Steal.
Bartered for this fake D&G in Chinatown. I like it a lot. Emily was killing it because she speaks Chinese and she was doing all her business in Chinese, and they were very impressed so I think they gave us a better deal. Maybe not, I don't know.

Brooklyn Bridge.
We came upon this cool photo-op when we came up form the subway, at this point it was pouring a little bit. Oh well.

The Hyatt, which you can see the sign for in the background, was our hotel. Check out the part of town we got to stay in.... for free. Nice huh?

*That is all I've got to share right now, if I find anything else I'll add it. On a similar note, there is no video for Day Six because I got home late that night and just wanted to go to sleep.*

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