Sunday, May 4, 2008

May Already

Normally I'm sort of against willing time by. Might as well live in the moment, right? But I must say this quarter has flown by, and I'm so glad. Spring in Chicago is pretty chill, there is a lot going on at school, and the city starts to wake up from the stupor of the long winter. So there is definitely a lot to do. I'm just ready for summer vacation, that's all. That might partly be because most of my friends back home are finishing up in the next couple of weeks, and seriously that's not fair.

I know I've written about this before, but I just have so much to look forward to. The next week should be pretty chill, I'm heading off to NYC in a little over the week, so I'll be pretty focused over the next ten days or whatever on getting everything together for that. I'm pretty stoked. But then that next month is going to be such a bitch. It'll be hot, but I'll be in school. Damn.

I'm such a whiner. Probably because I've got the ear infection of the century and am very ornery. VERY VERY ornery. Hah, that's a funny word.

Oh, and I must point out that my friend Danny is going to be in Dublin next fall, which most certainly means Nora will be going to Dublin. Hmm, I'll have to create a list of all the places I'll have friends... it's gonna be epic.

Ok, I've spent enough time procrastinating and writing about nothing.

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