Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Little Bit of Lactic Acid Does a Body Good

I rode a large portion of the Lake Shore Path today on my commuter. It was a bit difficult because there was a really nasty side wind that cut across the lake. Normally I don't mind side winds, but because this one was coming off the lake I had almost no proctection from it for the entirety of the ride. It was probably good for me though, because I got a hell of a workout, and now I'm pretty much dead.

I made it up to about Fullerton and then turned back and stopped at Navy Pier on my way to Hyde Park. Navy Pier was bustling with people. Tourists. The type of people who stop in front of you to take a picture, and then you almost hit them. The type who doesn't know how to steer a bike on the Lake Shore Path and you almost collide with them. Small Children. Old People.

I guess I get a little bit of road rage when I'm riding my bike. I'm so used to riding in the middle of nowhere, farmland, where you don't see a person for miles. When I get out on the Lake Shore Path and there are thousands of people doing every sort of sport imaginable, I guess I get a little impatient. I nearly hit a girl who was riding an old bike and texting. While that was on purpose. There were also groups of families riding along that I yelled MOVE OVER at on several occasions. I'm probably the asshole biker that everyone complains about.

At Navy Pier I bought a lemon ice. It was amazing. I was going to get those cinnamon roasted cashews that you can only find on the street in New York, the fair, and Navy Pier. But then I saw the lemon ice and I was sold. Now I really want the nuts. Damn.

I probably won't get out on the Lake Shore Path again this year. My bike goes home on Friday, and between now and then I have a ridiculous amount of things to do.

But then when I get home I get to reunite with my baby (aka my Scott road bike) and then maybe I'll actually get to ride it outside (for the first time EVER).

Until then, hot legs workout?

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