Friday, April 25, 2008

My New Hair

So I made this video yesterday, but I didn't want to post two in one day because that is kind of weird. Its my new haircut that I fixed and made cuter, but that still looks sort of really dumb. Oh well, I like it just fine.

Today has been fabulous, it's almost 80 degrees and sunny, and there is this awesome warm breeze that is blowing through campus. I walked out to Borders just to enjoy the weather, and I was actually hot!

The rest of today is going to be pretty chill. I don't have anything planned really, and its supposed to severe thunderstorm this evening so we will probably be stuck in (although I haven't said this to anyone yet... but seriously...). I'm gonna work on Europe adventure stuff for the next couple hours, maybe take a nap, definitely enjoy not having to do anything!

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