Friday, April 11, 2008

Abroad Meeting Numero Uno

I had my first abroad meeting yesterday afternoon. It was actually kinda lame, for how excited about it I was. The next meeting in May (which I'm missing because of NEW YORK CITY) is the one were we actually find stuff out. This one was just them telling us random things that may or may not be useful, and them starting to give us an idea of how poor we are all going to be when it is all over. Here are some highlights:

1. My program has 13 people, only one of which is a boy. Thats ok for me because I wouldn't want to "get with" a guy from my program... lol.

2. We have mini-fridges, and private bathrooms in our single rooms. Uh, nice. Seriously, I was expecting a lot less than that. Apparently we also are given bed linen which they switch out for us every two weeks.

3. Contrary to original thought, there is a dining hall, and I can get a meal at it for like 3 euro. While I will try to steer clear away from dining hall food, this is good to know as our building will not have a stove/oven.

4. Once a week we will have a "conversation session" with a french student. Apparently the program pays for us to go out to dinner or the cinema or whatever with a french person, to work on our speaking. Uh, this sounds like a really cool idea. Hopefully mine is a really hot french guy.

5. Apparently you can rent cell phones? Cool.

6. I can't use the velib because I don't have a european credit card. Maybe I should get one?

7. I'm more excited than ever. At the second meeting (which I'll have to do with Sarah Walter) we are getting our itineraries and syllabi. I'm so excited for this, I really want to know just exactly what we are doing!

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