Thursday, January 10, 2008


So I go through phases. I don't know if it's this weird obsessive compulsive thing I've got, or what, but I go through phases. For example, I pick one thing and then I get really caught up in it for awhile. And then I either get bored of it, find something new, or run out of ways to get caught up in it. Does that make sense? Probably not. I have a weird brain. It revolves.

I'll give you an example. Last quarter I spent a lot of my time watching Survivor. There is absolutely no explanation for why I started watching it in the first place. Seriously, I think I thought it would be funny or something. And then I got hooked. And then I watched about 6 seasons worth of episodes in a month. Which is a lot of Survivor for someone who goes to the University of Chicago and has a normal course load. Eventually I got over wanting to watch Survivor all of the time.

I've had lots of other phases too. I had the typical Lord of the Rings phase a few years ago, every summer I get far too caught up in cycling than is healthy, I watched every episode of What I Like About You last spring, I've been through Harry Potter a few times, at the end of last quarter I was into period romances, I was into Orlando Bloom for awhile... Stuff like that.

My new phase is probably my weirdest one yet, and I blame it on the Teen Librarian at the libo. She asked me if I'd ever read any of Stephanie Meyer's books before, because she was going to integrate them into her anti-Valentine's day party or something. I said no, and then she recommended them to me. That night we got about eight inches of snow and I was stuck in the house because we hadn't been plowed out, so I downloaded the e-book versions of Stephanie Meyer's trilogy.

And now I kind of love those books.

The weird part is that they are about vampires. Now I think vampires are the coolest things ever, and I think I suggested to one of my roommates the other day that we should have a vampire party. Yeah. It's sick. I finished the books, and now I'm looking for other vampire outlets. I may give Buffy the Vampire Slayer a chance. Please don't judge me. I think I'm mentally unstable.

But seriously, vampires are the coolest things ever.

And I want to be one, it would make life so much better.


Here's how twisted I am.

The first thing I thought off when I read this was that vampires did it. Not even making that up.


ms said...

read interview with the vampire. i still kindof love it.

Matt said...

I'm pretty sure that is one of our best friend's favorite book...