Thursday, January 31, 2008

Model United Nations Pre-Show

So I'm chairing the Model UN conference that the UofC hosts this weekend. Basically that means that I've spent the last six months busting my ass preparing for four days. I'm heading the High Commission for Refguees, which honestly is kinda lame. Not that refugees are that lame, just that most refugee situations are pretty similar, there isn't much variation. So while I have two topics, the major ideas that are going to have to be addressed are the same.

I really like Model UN. People ask why I do it, because it's such a time commitment, but really I don't mind the time commitment at all. I'd rather be doing stuff like this that I've volunteered for, instead of stuff that I'm not interested in that I have to do.

This weekend should be a good time. It's an opportunity to hang out with a different group of people. That isn't to say that I hate my friends or anything, it's just that we spend SO MUCH time together, sometimes it's nice to "see other people." Maybe that doesn't make sense, I don't know.

The point is, I'm excited to get away from campus for the weekend to do something I WANT to do, not something I have to do or feel obligated to do.

That said I'm gonna be incommunicado until Sunday or something. But when I get back I'll definitely be giving you guys a blow by blow account of all the ridiculous stuff the kids did and said. Because seriously, it will be RIDICULOUS.


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