Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Camp Unit Requests

So I had a really good time choosing which units I want to lead at camp this summer. I don't know why it was so fun, but it really was. I was given a list of four choices for every week, and I had to rank my top two favorites. Most of the time I chose the sports or outdoors choices, and not the inside ones. I thought this was funny because those were the groups that I counselored for the most last year. The sad thing is that if I get them, I will probably do the same thing as the guys that did them last year. Here are my top choices (with some commentary):

Summer Hoops
This is probably a bad choice, but Matt said he picked Suburban Safari and that was the only other choice that sounded like fun. I'll probably copy what Devin did last year and run the kids around like crazy in the mornings and then do nothing in the afternoons. Maybe we could get a tour of the Kohl Center like Devin did? Except he played Basketball there, so maybe not?

Ball Sports
This could be an easy week to plan because most sports require a ball. If I run this group we'll probably just go to the park and fuck around everyday. It will be superfun! My second choice was Go Fore Golf, so I hope to god I get Ball Sports. I don't want to deal with 10 8-12 year olds with golf clubs. Shit.

Sportz Morph
For this unit the specialist is supposed to take sports and like combine them. I'll probably just make up shit on the spot, or maybe make the kids make stuff up. I don't know... This unit will probably end up with me spraying the kids with a hose everyday.

Ultimate Angler
SOMEONE TELL ME WHY I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO PICK FISHING?!? Maybe I thought it would be really funny to try to teach kids how to fish? And then I remembered that fishing involves hooks, and water. And kids. Oh god. My second choice was something about flying objects. Also dangerous. I don't know, fishing could be fun?

I REALLY WANT THIS ONE. Teaching kids to canoe could be amazing. And its right in the middle of summer, so it will be the perfect time to be out on the lakes. I love canoeing so much!!! My second choice for this week is the County Fair. I don't really want to be in charge of a large group of bad kids at the fair, but the other two choices were lame. Plus, no matter what I will have to take kids to the fair on one day. I hope I get canoeing.

I REALLY WANT THIS ONE TOO! Last year I was the assistant on the biking unit and it was super fun. I love cycling more than anything in the world, so there is a lot of great potential for this unit. I was thinking I could try to get a tour of the Trek Factory. I've always wanted to see the place, so I hope that this will work out. My second choice is awesome too... CAMPING! I'm actually really pissed that these two are the same week.

Yuck. There weren't any good choices for this week, so I picked the one where I have to be the least creative. Tennis is pretty easy, right? My second choice was something like Crazy Concoctions, which means lots of messes. No fun.

Construction Zone
Same as previous week. This one could be sort of fun, I guess? Make them build stuff. My other option is this lakes one, but by mid-August the lakes in Madison are usually DISGUSTING.

This one should be really fun! I hope? My second choice was football, which would be lame, but really easy. Actually they are both really easy!

Point is, I'm getting really excited for camp! Too bad its like January, and camp doesn't start till June. LOL, I hope I get the fishing unit. That would be ridiculous.

1 comment:

ms said...

woah i didn't know that SPORTZ MORPH had a Z.