Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So I had a slight panic attack today. I went to see Celine, my French professor, and I asked her if she would mind filling out a teacher recommendation for my abroad application. She agreed without hesitation, which was nice. Afterwards, however, I dug myself into a bit of a hole. I babbled for about thirty seconds about how she could give it to me and I would deliver it to the office for her. And then I realized that I was speaking to her in the "tu" form. This form is incredibly informal, and you are never supposed to address a teacher in it. I slightly panicked, tried to change to the "vous" form, which is the proper form to you, but at that point I think my mistake was pretty obvious. I don't think Celine will mark on my rec that I did that, but it freaked me out a little bit, especially because I have to impress her for my final exam still!


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