Saturday, September 6, 2008


Last night I dragged my Mom and sister to a $10 concert hosted by our local Top 40 Radio Station. Of course the performers I wanted to see... Menudo.

Before you start laughing at how ridiculous that sounds, let me explain. I have a serious respect for pop groups. Like I love them. And you know what, they are so a thing of the past. When I was 12 I would shit my pants for the Backstreet Boys or NSYNC. Not only because they have catchy music, but because they had real CHOREOGRAPHY that went along with their songs. And ok, they were hot too. So for me, seeing an actual pop group these days is so refreshing.

The band got up on the stage and they sang AND danced live. And they also played to the crowd, a mob of 14 year olds girls that screamed a lot, and were I head shorter than I was. Doesn't matter. I had so much fun. I sang along to the music, I danced... and I managed to get my hand out and touch every single one. You know what, my favorite one even grabbed my hand and spun me in a circle. Like from the stage. It was like every fantasy I had when I was 10 years old had come true. And I loved it. Enjoy some pictures.

MENUDO (Chris, Monti, Emmanuel, Jose, Carlos... love them).

They really do dance too.

Monti, my fave.

Ok, so they might be teenagers, but still.

All that matters is that I had a really good time, right?

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