Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Damien Saez - Montée Là Haut

I guess it's weird to think that a year from now I could very well be returning from the greatest adventure of my life. In a way a year is a really long time, but at the same time its nothing at all. I have a lot of hopes and aspirations for the next year, 2008. I guess I'll have to reflect on them over the next few weeks as the year 2007 comes to a close. Its been a very interesting year. I achieved a lot of things I wanted to achieve, and I found out a lot about those people I care about the most. I learned which people I can trust, and which I can't. I guess I learned who my real friends are. I've put myself in a position in the academic world, and the real world, to achieve what I want out of life.

I guess? Maybe I don't really know what I want yet? Maybe that's what 2008 will be for?

For now I leave you with perhaps one of the most beautiful songs I know. And one of the most telling.

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